New Song/Kansai Radio On Air新曲/ラジオ関西オンエアー

 What's up everybody!ワッツアップみんな!Everything is cool here in Kobe; I'm relaxing with my guitar in my had, thinking of a new song. 私元気してるでぇ。神戸にいて、新曲を考えながらギターを弾き、リラックスしてんねん。Its about the recent earthquake and Tsunami that happened last month. 曲のテーマは先月の地震and津波の事です。Being in an earthquake myself(the great one of '95, here in Kobe), I know exactly what the victims of this one felt.今回の被災者の気持ちがよく分かります。だって、私も阪神の地震(1995)の被災者だった。私はあんまり力がないけど出来る事をします:日本の国民が前向いてなるべく頑張れるように曲を作ります。 My heart goes out to them and I can only offer what I do the best: write a song, in hopes of inspiring the thousands of people who left desolated. I hope this song lifts you (and anyone else down on their luck),up spiritually. I will speak more about this on a later date....... I will be doing a radio interview at Kansai Radio on May 3. Please enjoy!5月3日よる7:00からラジオ関西に出るねん。都合が良ければどうぞ聞いて下さい。またね!

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