Back in Kobe!神戸に帰りましたぞ!

 Whazzup everybody! ワツアップみんな!Yours truly is back in his beloved city and back on the hump.私の大好きな神戸に帰って来ましたぞ! Ever since April 3rd, I've been humping trying to get it all in within a 24 hour time frame.今月3日からずうっと忙しくて。... Needless to say, it is a never ending battle between sleep(or lack thereof) and work. 用事と寝る時間のバランスはちょっとね。But I'm not complaining; just blogging. だけどモンクを言ってないよただブログのコメントだけやで。(へんな日本語かも)Coming up: this week I will be playing mostly bass(and guitar on 2 tunes) for the lovely Takako at the Flamingo( the 13th and 14th). 今週のスケジュール:Takako Live at the Flamingoがあります。私bass(や少しgtr)をひきます.She is a classical turned Jazz pianist, that is, if I had to put a label on her.彼女はClassical pianist,で最近Jazzをひく事になってます。Her music is very interesting(and challenging).本人のmusicはめっちゃおもろいやで。 I like it a lot.大好きやねん。 check out her website here.彼女のサイトはここです。 I did some stuff with her in Tokyo about 2 years ago; you can check out that video here.2年前東京でTakakoとライブをやった、ビデオ
どうぞ。I made an arrangement of Sakura especially for her.今週のライブのためにSakuraの特別なarrangementを作りました! 早速アップロドしますので。We will perform it on the upcoming gig(s)Look for a video clip of that later this week. Also here is some stuff from Amayu House taken last week when Asahi TV came for an interview.先週あま湯の写真をどうぞ!Here are some pics of new acquaintances from Kagoshima, as well as some shots take at RKB Radio in Kyuushuu!鹿児島の新しいfriendsやRKBラジオの写真をどうぞ! Be safe.気をつけてね。 Much love to ya!愛情いっぱい!

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